The Wilderness Center Introduces Subscription Service, Your Wild Classroom

The Wilderness Center today announced the creation of a new subscription service to provide natural science enrichment and resources for parents and teachers in the coming school year. The approaching school year has brought with it many new challenges. Whether homeschooling, heading back into the classroom or a combination of both, The Wilderness Center intends Your Wild Classroom to get young students outside, studying and learning.

“We are so happy to be able to support our local families and teachers, both those who have been participating in our traditional homeschool programs and those who are looking to get students outside either at home or in the schoolyard,” said Community Engagement Coordinator Carrie Elvey.

Your Wild Classroom will offer nature-based science modules focused on a theme, and each will begin with an introductory presentation which can be joined live via Zoom or viewed on YouTube at your convenience. Modules contain four lessons, including links to a short introductory videos, parent/teacher lesson plans, activity descriptions, and worksheets. A live wrap-up and quiz show will review what was covered in each module and reinforce the fun of learning!

Each module coincides with Ohio’s standards for grades K-5. Activities and lessons will be geared for grades 3-5, but are easily adaptable by the teacher or parent for all elementary grades.

“Our own backyards and local green spaces can be such great classrooms,” said Elvey. “Add that to what we know about how contact with nature is good for our kids’ mental and physical health, and this curriculum is perfect for the current learning environment.”

The topics and starting dates for each module are:

Entomology – Beginning August 24
Insets and their kin are all around us, easy to find, and great classroom pets. We’ll learn to identify insect groups, discover their habitat preferences, and go on insect safaris.

Forestry – Beginning September 21
Get to know the forest AND the trees! We’ll learn how to identify trees, all of their important parts, and how they come together and make a forest, all by starting with the trees right out your door.

Soil – Beginning October 19
We walk on it every day, but how well do you know the ground beneath your feet? Soil is a very important part of any ecosystem and we’ll learn what makes it up and how it changes over time.

Ornithology – Beginning November 16
How is a bird like a ballet dancer? This module will answer that question and look at the many other adaptations that make bird so amazing.

Bonus Activity: Landforms and Mapping – Beginning December 14
Available when full semester is purchased.

Geology – Beginning January 11
Rocks rock, and geology rules. After reviewing the basic rock types, we’ll dig deeper into the geologic units of Ohio including the incredible fossils you may find while out adventuring.

Mammalogy – Beginning February 8
Being mammals ourselves, we have a natural affinity for the furry residents of our backyards. Take a closer look at skulls, behavior, and the tracks and signs that mammals leave behind.

Botany – Beginning March 8
Even the tallest trees start from the smallest seed. Journey along the life of a plant as we learn about survival strategies of plants of all shapes and sizes in a variety of habitats.

Herpetology – Beginning April 5
From the shelled to the slimy, reptiles and amphibians are important parts of our landscape. After learning about their unique adaptations, we’ll look at ways we can help these creatures survive and thrive.

Bonus Activity: Outdoor Adventure – Beginning April 26
Available when full semester is purchased.
The cost for this program will be $25 per module for TWC members or $30 per module for nonmembers. Those who register for the full semester will receive the bonus activity at the end of the semester. Separate pricing and individualized scheduling is available for traditional classrooms and homeschool pods. Teachers or school administrators should call 330.359.5235 for more information.

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