Give Stock or Mutual Funds to ISF

At ISF, we rely on donations to fund our scholars, fellows, interns, and film grantees. Your generosity ensures we can support them for years to come.


Donating stock and mutual funds is an effective way to help ISF support the next generation of American Muslim leaders. Making this gift is simple and offers you valuable financial benefits:

  • You can donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
  • The total value of the stock upon transfer is tax-deductible.
  • There is no obligation to pay any capital gains taxes on the appreciation.


There are various ways stock donations can benefit you as a nonprofit donor:

#1: Stock Donations are Tax Efficient

Donating stock to charity offers tax benefits to your donors. When donors give appreciated stock, they take a tax deduction for the full market value. This often increases the contribution and deduction by more than 20%. Donors who give long-term stock to charity do not have to pay capital gains on those stock gifts. The fair market value they receive in the tax deduction is usually well above what they paid. In turn, the NPO can either keep the shares or liquidate them immediately for the fair market value at the time of transfer.

#2:  Stock Donations Do Not Affect Cash Assets

Aside from the significant tax benefits, people enjoy donating shares to charity because it does not cut into disposable income or cash assets. The decision to give back is easier when they are not dipping into cash, and when donating stocks is fast and straightforward.

#3: You, as the Donor, Are Placed at the Center of the Fundraising Process

Donor centricity is at the heart of the Islamic Scholarship Fund. At ISF, donors aren’t merely a source of funds; you strengthen our connection to the ISF mission and your values.


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To transfer securities from your brokerage account to ISF electronically:

  1. Please complete the Donation of Securities Form and send it to your broker or financial adviser.
  2. Please also send a copy of the completed form to Somayeh Nikooei, ISF Director, at or mail to this address:

Islamic Scholarship Fund
ATTN: Somayeh Nikooei
1935 Addison Street, Suite A
Berkeley, CA 94704

In order for ISF to properly credit the gift, it is important that you or your broker notifies ISF of the gift and its intended purpose, and that the broker references your name in the transfer instructions:

TC #: 0188
Receiving Institution: TD Ameritrade
Account Title/Registration: Islamic Scholarship Fund
Account #: 757-683914
Tax Identification #: 20-8540050
Donor’s name, address, name of security, number of shares, and fund name/purpose


For gifts of mutual funds or bonds, please contact Somayeh Nikooei, ISF Director, at

All securities should be registered or titled:
The Islamic Scholarship Fund, Tax ID #94-1156365

Please mail all securities gifts to:
1935 Addison Street, Suite A
Berkeley, CA 94704

Schedule Call

I would like to schedule a meeting with ISF’s Founder & Board Chair to discuss how to donate my stocks.