ISF scholars and alumni regularly produce reports, publish articles, and receive awards for their work in human rights, advocacy, and more. We're proud to share their accomplishments!

ISF Alum Investigates Human Rights Abuses in West Bank

As Director the Israel and Palestine Director for Human Rights Watch, 2010 & 2011 Law Scholar Omar Shakir is responsible for investigating human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. He regularly publishes groundbreaking reports with Human Rights Watch about the military repression of Palestinians and journalists and activists jailed by Israeli authorities.

ISF Alumna is a 'Champion of Change'

In addition to receiving a 'Champion of Change' award from the White House for her leadership on the American Diaspora, 2013 ISF Scholar Fatima Hassan Ali, Esq. has also published in the New York Times about human rights issues in Somalia and across the globe. She now works as an Associate at Jones Day, a firm dedicated to public service and increasing diversity in law.

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