ISF Peer-2-Peer
Media Mentorship Network

ISF's Peer-2-Peer Media Mentorship Network offers academic support, networking opportunities, and industry insight from journalists, published authors, and more.
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Are you an ISF scholar or grantee looking for professional development opportunities in media? Or a community of American Muslim dedicated to fair reporting? Join ISF's Peer-2-Peer Media Mentorship Network and receive academic support, networking opportunities, and industry insight from journalists, writers, and more. Meet our mentors below. If interested in becoming a mentee, please contact ISF and send your resume via the button below. Note: Mentorship only open to ISF scholars, alumni, and grantees.
ISF P2P Mentorship

 Media Mentors

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Suzy Ismail

2015 Scholar

Alaa update (1)

Alaa Elassar

2018 & 2019 Scholar

Nadine Mansour_ headshot

Nadine Mansour

2020 Scholar

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