ISF Peer-2-Peer
Law Mentorship Network

ISF's Peer-2-Peer Law Mentorship Network offers academic support, networking opportunities, and industry insight from public interest attorneys, judges, and more.
MohsinMirza. Law (1)
Are you an ISF scholar or grantee looking for professional development opportunities in law? Or a community of American Muslim dedicated to justice and equity for all? Join ISF's Peer-2-Peer Law Mentorship Network and receive academic support, networking opportunities, and industry insight from attorneys, judges, and more. Meet our mentors below. If interested in becoming a mentee, please contact ISF and send your resume via the button below. Note: Mentorship only open to ISF scholars, alumni, and grantees.
ISF P2P Mentorship

 Law Mentors

Nabintou Doumbia

Nabintou Doumbia

2017 Scholar

Noorulain Hasan (1)

Noor-ul-ain Hasan, Esq.

2018 Scholar

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Donya Khadem, Esq.

2018 Scholar

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Mehdi Ali, Esq.

2009 Scholar

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Noran Elzarka, Esq.

2016 Scholar

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Tooba Hussain

2020 Scholar

Nicole Fauster

Nicole Fauster, Esq.

2015, 2017, & 2018 Scholar

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Osama Alkhawaja

2019 Scholar

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