Our next application cycle will open late 2021.

The ISF Congressional Policy Fellowship is a 12-month, full-time program that provides fellows with an opportunity to work in Washington D.C. on legislative and public policy issues at Congressional offices.


About the Program

The ISF Congressional Policy Fellowship is a highly selective, nonpartisan program devoted to promoting and encouraging diversity and inclusion on Capitol Hill.  Through a 12 month fellowship, fellows will gain real-world experience working on legislative and public policy issues.


What to Expect

Fellows of this program will not only have access to Congressional members and staff within the halls of power, they will have the opportunity to work as a full-time staffer for 12 months conducting tasks such as policy research, meeting with special interest groups, drafting bills/speeches, and preparing the member for hearings, etc.


Upon arrival in D.C., participants will attend a one-day preparatory orientation. Typically fellows will work 40-45 hours a week and will be expected to participate in all ISF-sponsored activities including professional development events. As participants will be representing ISF, they should work to meet ISF’s work performance and ethics.

Applications are evaluated based on evidence of leadership potential and professional skills to succeed in a public service position.


  • An active member of the Muslim community;
  • Majoring in an ISF supported major;
  • Graduated with an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited university
  • A U.S. citizen, permanent resident of the United States or a DACA recipient


  • Application form
  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • Video introduction
  • Essay Questions
  • College transcripts
  • Policy interests
  • Two letters of recommendation

Fellowship Benefits

  • Salary of $40,000 for housing and other expenses
  • Roundtrip Airfare to D.C.
  • Health insurance reimbursement up to $200 a month
  • Placement in a congressional office
  • One-day Hill orientation
  • Professional leadership and policy enrichment workshops throughout the program
  • Networking opportunities
  • Mentorship throughout the program and access to our online mentorship platform
  • Support with job placement after program

Program Timeline

  • Applications

    ISF will start accepting online applications October 15th, 2020

  • Deadline

    The deadline to apply for the fellowship is January 31st 2021

  • Acceptance

    After applying, selected candidates will be given a conditional acceptance by ISF, and ISF will use its Congressional connections to help candidates get a position in a Congressional office.

  • Interviews

    Candidates will interview with offices. Once an office extends an offer to a candidate, a final acceptance will automatically be given to candidates by ISF.

  • Fellowship Starts

    Fellowships will begin in D.C. in September. Fellows will work full-time hours with Congressional offices (as set by the office) starting in September and are not permitted to have any other internships or employment.

  • Sessions & Workshops

    Fellows are required to attend ISF- hosted sessions and workshops throughout their time in D.C.

  • Exit Interview

    Fellows end their position in September with an exit interview and can continue to receive mentorship support for permanent job placement .