
ISF increases American Muslim representation in media and government to improve public policy and public opinion. We believe that the interests of our community can only be protected if we are part of the policy-making process. ISF scholars and alumni across the country and world are ensuring our voices are heard.


Faroukh Amin Virani

2013 Film Grantee

Aisha-Iqbal-Policy - 1000

Aisha Iqbal

2019 Public Policy Scholar

Our Vision

We envision a society where religion, culture, and race are not barriers to equity and equality, where all people are treated with dignity and respect and the voice of every citizen plays an integral role in creating inclusive communities that encourage participation by all.

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Our Impact

The Islamic Scholarship Fund has served the American Muslim community for over a decade. The work of our scholars and alumni spans the fields of media, journalism, film, law, and public policy. We are incredibly grateful to our supporters who are making this important work possible.

$1.5 Million in Awards

109 Alumni Working in ISF-Related Fields

450+ Scholarships & Grants

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Islam Timeline updated

Our Team

Board of Directors

Hamid 2-min

Dr. Hamid Rezapour

Founder & President


Ismail Mohamed

Board Member

salman-ravala headshot

Salman Ravala, Esq.

Board Member

Dalia New

Dr. Dalia Fahmy

Board Member


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Somayeh Nikooei



Liz Getman

Marketing/Communications Manager


Tina Tran



Iman Zawahry

Director of Film Grant

Lancer Photography, 2019. All rights reserved.

Wardah Khalid

Policy Consultant

Omar Headshot

Omar Elsayed

Program Manager


Salma Abdulkader

Administrative Coordinator

Public Policy Council

dalia fahmy (1)

Dr. Dalia Fahmy

Jihad Saleh

Jihad Saleh

Judge Zia Farqui

Judge Zia M. Faruqui

Maha Hilal

Dr. Maha Hilal

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Mustafa Alemi

Safiya Ghori-Ahmad

Safiya Ghori-Ahmad

Lancer Photography, 2019. All rights reserved.

Wardah Khalid

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Yasmine Taeb, Esq.

Law Council

Adeel Mohammadi headshot

Adeel Mohammadi, Esq.

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Aisha U-Kiu, Esq.

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Asifa Quraishi, Esq.

Asma Uddin

Asma Uddin, Esq.

Robert Collier

Robert Collier, Esq.

Salman Ravala

Salman Ravala, Esq.

Shabbir Chaudhury

Shabbir Chaudhury, Esq.

Noorulain Hasan

Noor-ul-ain Hasan, Esq.

Santa Clara County deputy public defender, Sajid Khan is photographed during a recording of  "The Return," podcast called "Aider and Abettor." In San Jose, California, on Monday, July 31, 2017. (JosieLepe/Bay Area News Group)

Sajid Khan, Esq.

Tooba Hussain

Tooba Hussain

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Mehwish Shaukat, Esq.

Judge Zia Farqui (1)

Judge Zia M. Faruqui

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Salmah Rizvi, Esq.

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Zahra Billoo, Esq.

Media & Journalism Council

Tahera Rahman

Tahera Rahman

Sharaf Mowjood

Sharaf Mowjood

Rowaida Abdelaziz

Rowaida Abdelaziz

Nesima Aberra

Nesima Aberra

Laila Al-Arian

Laila Al-Arian

Malika Bilal 3

Malika Bilal

Film Council


Assia Boundaoui

Wolfe new

Michael Wolfe


Iman Zawahry

Mahin Ibrahim

Mahin Ibrahim

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Qasim Basir

Minhal Baig

Minhal Baig

Tariq Jalil

Tariq Jalil

Musa Syeed

Musa Syeed

Stay updated on what's happening at ISF!