Inspire Social Justice

About #1 Form

  • Section 1: Our Vision and Our Mission

  • (Provide 25 to 50 words describing the vision of your organization)
  • (Provide 25 to 50 words describing the mission of your organization)
    Provide 2 images at least 450 x 300 pixels. Images should be placed in the Google Drive Images folder. If you prefer certain photos be used in a specific website location, please make that clear in the naming convention of your files.
  • Section 2: Our History

    Provide a description from your organization's history
    Provide 2 images at least 1024 x 900 pixels. Images should be placed in the Google Drive Images folder. If you prefer certain photos be used in a specific website location, please make that clear in the naming convention of your files.
  • Up to 200 words
  • Section 3: The Impact

  • Provide an explanatory paragraph about the statistics below. What are you tracking and why? Brevity is best, your limit is 50 words.
  • Up to 5 Words
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Up to 5 Words
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Up to 5 Words
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Section 5: Team

    For each team member, please provide the following:
    Provide an image at least 300 x 300 pixels for each team member. Images should be placed in the Google Drive Images folder. If you prefer certain photos be used in a specific website location, please make that clear in the naming convention of your files. Team members without a photo will be represented by filler images.