Monthly Programs
Little Wonders
Nature discovery program for 2 and 3 year olds to share with their favorite adult
Each session includes outside exploring time, songs, stories, art and a snack-all relating to a simple, nature subject. Little Wonders is designed to be a gentle introduction to group learning, with lots of opportunities for free choice, play and interactions with other children.
Fun-filled nature program designed for 4 to 6 year olds and their favorite adult
Like astronauts who explore space, NatureNauts explore the natural world of their own back yard. Each month’s theme is designed to give youngsters a positive introduction to our wonderful natural world. Sessions include stories, games, activities, songs, an outdoor experience, a take home craft, and a keepsake photo.
Pop-Up Nature
Want to explore nature with your children but don’t know how to get started? Stop in for a “pop-up” program with a nature expert to get your adventure on! There will be a naturalist led activity at each session from 1-1:30, followed by self-guided activities you can enjoy with your family at your own pace. We provide the tools and know how, you supply the curiosity. Each program has a different theme, so make plans to join us all year!
Critter Programs
Family Frog Frolic
Hop over to Wehr and celebrate spring with the frogs. We will meet some Wisconsin amphibians up close and then stroll out to the ponds of Wehr to listen for the sweet spring sound of frogs chorusing. Learn about citizen science opportunities that support frog conservation.
Night-time Nature: Bats, Moths & Fireflies
Kid-size version of popular evening adult programs. Experience night-time nature and learn about our nocturnal neighbors. Naturalists will lead you on an adventure at one of our Bat Night, Moth Night, or Firefly Fun programs.
Drop-in Critter Club
Have you ever wondered how snakes hear or if you really get warts from touching a toad? Come visit with Wehr’s resident turtles, snakes, salamanders, and other cold blooded critters to discover more about these often misunderstood animals. You may even get to touch a turtle or snake!
Registering for Programs
Fees and registration can be found on the Event Page. Select "Children & Families" category to find your program.
Please note that most of the Children & Family Programs featured on this site will require registration through our partner, Milwaukee County Parks. Each program listed on the Events Page will have a register button that directs you to complete the transaction.